A Bride's Story Wikia
A Bride's Story Wikia

The Unnamed town is a provincial town where Karluk Eihon and his family live. Although some of the residents, including the Eihon family, had nomadic ancestors, all of the residents live in their homes year-round.

Description []

The town is vaguely stated to be somewhere near Bukhara. The townspeople practice a variety of economic activities, such as farming, raising livestock, trading and even craft production. It appears to be quite prosperous, which is reflected by how well-dressed most of the townspeople are. Certain craftsmen like potter and woodcarver can also make a living in the town, which means its residents can afford to decorate their houses and become patrons of arts. Their prosperity could be due to their close proximity to Bukhara, one of the popular trading centre on the Silk Road. Occasionally the townspeople will also travel elsewhere, such as Persia, for trading purposes. Some locations around the village include a communal oven and a marketplace. The town also employs canals to bring in water for consumption and water wheels to mill flour.

The town is self-governed and ruled by a chief and its defensive force is basically made up of the townsmen armed with rifles and cannons, though a peacekeeping troops will be sent by a governor should the situation escalated to a mayhem. The troops, wearing what may be a Cossack uniform, imply that the Russia has already started its conquest in Turkestan. While the story is generally dated around 19th century, the presence of the Cossack army and the impending invasion of Russia in Bukhara may place the timeline to be around 1860s and onwards.

History []

The origin of the townspeople are nomadic tribes that had decided to settle on the land. Similar to the Halgal tribe, The nomadic tribes were capable of using bows and arrows for hunting but it is a skill that has already been lost by the current generations as there were no longer needs to hunt for food.


The town appeared to live harmoniously with the surrounding communities, including the Halgal tribe. Unfortunately once the Halgal elder passed away, the tribe grew antagonistic towards the townspeople out of the desperation of their own living situation, and at one point the town was even attacked by the tribe in an attempt to invade their land. While the Halgal tribe eventually lost, the townspeople still suffered a massive devastation with a lot of their men injured, their houses demolished and their livelihood destroyed. The town however has a strong sense of community and before long it was rebuilt again with the cooperation from all of the townspeople.


References []
